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Scotspiper - Bagpiping at my First Burns Night of 2017 in London

Burns Night is my favourite time of year. Haggis, Robbie Burns, whiskey and bagpipes - what more do you want? I was asked by a good friend of mine if he could hire me to bagpipe at a school he taught at in London. Burns Night is an incredibly busy time of year for bagpiper in London - with not all that many bagpipers for hire in London, many bagpipers getting hired months in advance for Burns week. Luckily though I was available to pipe during the school lunch. The Haggis looked great and we had another fellow scot at the lunch who was addressing the haggis (pictured next to me). The chef, the addresser and myself bagpiped the haggis around the dining room of the small school in London to Scotland the Brave until we got to the head table where the haggis was laid down and then addressed with one of Robbie Burns finest. After the address we marched the haggis out of the dining room. The kids absolutely love it, with the majority of them never having heard the bagpipes before. They liked it so much the next week I got a call from my friend who wanted to hire a bagpiper in London for next year. Another great Burns event done and dusted!

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